Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Sergei Fedotov (Department of Mathematics, University of Manchester, UK) was a visiting professor in Beagle from June 5 to June 17, 2014. Collaboration with H. Berry and A. Mateos-Gonzalez

  • Priscilla Biller spends a year in the Beagle team, during her Ph-D preparation in University of Campinas, Brazil

Visits to International Teams

  • G Beslon spent a week in New Foundland Memorial University (July 2014) to attend a workshop on the concept of "open-endedness".

  • C Rocabert spent 10 days in Utrecht University to collaborate with the bioinformatics and theoretical biology group. The objective was to exchange ideas to develop and integrated evolutionary model.

  • H. Berry was invited to the BioMedTech Institute of Tampere University of Technology for one week (8-12 Dec. 2014)